All our Meat comes from Farnhams Butchery Fletcher & Wallsend.

Present your membership card for $5.00 FREE Tickets in the Saturday and Sunday Raffles.
*one lot of free tickets per member

Thursday Nights Members

Tickets on sale 5.00pm, drawn approx 6.30pm

Purchase a beverage from the bar from 5pm to receive a strip of tickets. 

16 great Meat Trays to be won. 

Put your name and Membership No on the back of those tickets and into the barrel for the Last Thursday of the month draw.

1st prize $200 Cash, 2nd and 3rd Prizes are $50 Club Cash.

Must be a current Member and must be present at the club at the time of draw. 

Raffles -
Raffles -

Friday Night Meat Raffle

30 pizes plus a lucky last super meat tray worth $50

Tickets on sale 5:00pm, drawn approx. 6:30pm.

Saturday Meat Raffle

Saturday 20 prizes plus a lucky last super meat tray worth $50.

12.00 drawn at 1.00pm.
Raffles -

Happy Hour $4.70 Schooners 12-2pm Saturday and Sunday

Raffles -

Super Sunday Roast Raffle

Sunday 45 Prizes in all

27 roasting trays plus 18 mixed meat trays Ticks on sale 12.00 drawn at 1.00pm.